Wednesday 26 March 2014


Ofcourse, we also looked at the sports in Slovenia. On Sunday we went bowling with other exchange students. But bowling is a sports too. The first thing I (Guus) noticed was the size of the bowling course. In Holland we also have bowling courses, but they're a lot smaller compared to the course we went to. A lot of people were bowling, thats another thing I noticed. We had a lot of fun and Ialso learned a lot of the sporting habitats in Slovenia. Down here is a video of Guus bowling.

On the excursion day we went to a skijumping course. I (Gregor) told Guus my cousin is a proffesional skijumper. Guus was really suprised. He told me he never went to a skijumping course before and only saw the sport on the TV. We can confirm that Slovenia is a country with a lot of wintersports, sports with snow like skiing. In the Netherlands the sports praticed in the outside in the summer are a lot more popular. 

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