Thursday 27 March 2014


During the time we were doing research for the project, we learned a lot about the sports in both countrys. There are a lot of similarities and also a lot of differences. For example the interest for sports is the same in both countrys. In both manz people want to pratise some kind of sports, they're also healthy because of this. From the other side, the sports that are practised the most are different from eachother. In Slovenia the winter sports with snow are a lot more popular than in Holland. But ofcourse thats logical.
Both countrys try to make sporting as attractive as possible. We can say they are doing a good job, a lot of people like sports. The facilities and training times are arranged very well.
We both learned something about the culture of another country, we now know more about eachother and how you can communicate with people living really far away from eachother.
Our conclusion is very postivie. We reached our goals and we're happy with the results.

Thank you.

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