Tuesday 1 October 2013

We've thought of some sub-questions:
1. Which sports we chose and what are the criteria for our choice?
2. How good do the countries participate in the championships of these sports?
3. How much training/time need these sports?
4. How accessible are the sport facilities?

These questions will help us to answer  the main-question.
The main question of our project is: "What are the differences and similarities between the two/three most popular sports in Slovenia and the Netherlands?" We found this by comparing our interests. We will try to answer this question.
Our project started with deciding which subject we wanted to work out. After some time we came to the conclusion the subject sports fitted the best with our group.

Our names are Gregor Bogataj (left) and Guus Eijsvogels (right). Gregor is from Slovenia and Guus is from  Netherlands. We are 16 years old and we are doing a project about sport in Slovenia and in the Netherlands. We chose them based on surevy wich we gave to the people in school. We have visited a stadium in Uden and asked some questions about sport. We have gathered and anlysed informations from internet and we have also analysed informations that we got from the people that we asked on the stadium.

So that is something about us.